Zero Game Wiki

Thanks for visiting this page! We are a constantly growing community and welcome all visitors of the Zero Game Wiki. Our policies and guidelines have been developed on Zero Game Wiki to create an informative and updated Zero Game encyclopedia. Please note that all users must adhere to the FANDOM policy, a protocol that spans across all Fandom Wikia.

We ask that all users respect these rules and policies, and edit in good faith. The Zero Game Wiki is a welcoming, fun community for civil users who abide by these rules, seek consensus in discussions, and contribute towards the goal of creating a comprehensive, updated database of Zelbasen's Zero Game.

Keep in mind that activity on this wiki is monitored and violations of editing protocol may result in edit reversion. Recurring offenses will incur a warning or block.

Please refer to the Manual of Style for editing guidelines.


Any images uploaded to the Zero Game Wiki must be licensed and text-free in accordance to FANDOM policy. If the image is pulled from the webtoon or an external source, please use the Image License and External Image License templates respectively. Images with speech bubbles must be text-free to avoid copyright violations. Please contact an admin if you need support for this step. Irrelevant or unused images are subject to removal.

Page Integrity

Please do not remove templates from their respective articles, as this would ruin the integrity of the article's sections. Newly created articles must follow the Layout Guide for wiki cohesion purposes. All information added to the wiki must be extracted from the Zero Game webtoon, official Zero Game material, or Zelbasen. Any other information will be treated as speculation, errors, or vandalism and subsequently removed. When publishing edits, please summarize your changes in the summary box provided, for transparency purposes.

Renaming Pages

For wiki cohesion and navigation purposes, when renaming pages, please track down all other pages referencing the old link and change the name as well. Please note that article pages may not be renamed, moved, or deleted without administrative approval. You must disclose your reasons for renaming pages and receive approval from an admin before carrying out the action. Violation of this rule will incur in renaming reversion and a warning. Recurring offenses will result in a block.


Vandalism is the act of incorrectly changing a page, causing the article or page to be incorrect, unpresentable, or both.

There are many ways to vandalize content in this wiki, and all fall under administrative jurisdiction. Vandalism includes but not limited to the following actions:

  • Removing referenced and proven content
  • Adding speculation, unrelated content, or gibberish outside of discussion forums and blogs
  • Renaming pages without administrative consent
  • Changing article content to a different language
  • Removing templates and other code

First-time offenders will receive a warning. Blatant and recurring vandalism will result in edit reversion and a block.


Discussion forums, blog posts, and article comments are platforms for users to voice their opinions and start conversation threads. While all users are encouraged to participate, abusive and inappropriate behavior is strictly prohibited. Site Staff will be closely monitoring the wiki for any violations. Examples of such behavior includes but are not limited to the following:

  • Use of inappropriate language: Profanity is forbidden, as this community is open for users of all ages. Please use different wording to voice your opinion.
  • Flaming: Personal attacks, verbal abuse, condescension, and insults are not tolerated. If you disagree with a comment, please use civil language to debate rather than attack. Otherwise, refrain from posting.
  • Trolling: Posting inflammatory or digressive comments to aggravate members of the community is disrespectful and disruptive.

All users are expected to abide by these policies when participating in conversation threads. Any comments or posts that violate these policies are subject to removal. First-time offenders will receive a warning. Blatant and recurring offenses will result in a block.
